People are spending more and more time in front of a screen, both for work and leisure. As an osteopath I always ask patients about their desk set up and computer use. A desk top computer, when properly set up is the best option ergonomically. However, many people prefer the convenience and size of laptops due to work patterns or lifestyle. Continue reading
shoulder pain
How To Optimise Your Mattress & Pillows To Prevent Neck & Back Pain
People often come to see me for back pain or neck pain pain caused by ‘sleeping a bit funny’ or sleeping on a different mattress. Others with pre-existing problems feel they can’t get comfortable in bed, or their pain is worse on waking in the morning. If this is you, or if you are generally prone to to episodes of neck, shoulder or back pain, it may be worth re-evaluating your sleep set-up. Continue reading
Suffering from Frozen Shoulder?
I love treating people with shoulder conditions and injuries, and am delighted to have recently been recognised as an NAT (Niel Asher Technique) certified practitioner for frozen shoulder treatment in Warwick. Niel Asher Technique is an evidence-based approach to treating frozen shoulder. Read more about how osteopathy can help with all types of shoulder and neck conditions.
6 Ways to Prevent Neck or Back Pain and Improve Your Desk Posture
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin….
On average, UK adults spend more than 7 hours a day sitting. For many of us, the majority of this time is at a desk. Not only is this detrimental to your general health*, but long periods of sitting with poor desk posture, are a common cause of back, neck and shoulder pain. These tips will give you your best chance of staying pain-free.