Christmas 2017 Opening Times

Christmas opening hours 2017

Feel Better Osteopathy will be closed from Saturday 23rd December to Tuesday 2nd January 2018 for the Christmas break.

We will re-open on Wednesday 3rd January 2018.

If you would like to schedule an appointment over Christmas for January, the best way to do this is to book online. I will be checking emails and messages sporadically over Christmas, but please bear with me if it takes a bit longer than normal to respond.

Merry Christmas to one and all, and I wish you a happy and healthy 2018!

The Story of the Osteopath Who Broke Their Hand

Osteopath Fractured metacarpal 4th

It was the end of a fun-filled bank-holiday weekend and we were returning home from the park. My husband and older daughter had gone ahead and I was running with my younger daughter who had just learnt to ride her ‘big-girl bike’. She was going quite fast, then swerved in front of me. Partly to break her fall and partly to avoid falling on top of her, I catapulted myself over the top of child and bike, landing on (and bending back) my right-hand fingers. Continue reading

Merry Christmas & Book Online in 2017

Christmas Opening Hours 2016

We will be closing on Sat 24th December 2016 and reopening on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR, and hope you and your loved ones have a restful, pain-free break.

Online Booking

Big news as we approach 2017 is you can now book your osteopathy appointments online. (Check me out for moving with the times!) There are lots of benefits of booking online:

  • Book your appointment wherever and whenever you have internet access – The booking system is open 24 hours.
  • Quick, easy booking process that takes under 2 minutes to book an appointment (Yes, I timed myself!)
  • Never have to wait for a call-back if I am busy with another client or on another call.
  • Get a confirmation email straight to your inbox and text reminder the day before your appointment.
  • Option to add appointments directly into your google or iCal calendar.
  • And if you’re a facebook junkie you can even book from my facebook page.

So, if you would like to book an appointment before Christmas or for the new year, why not try out the new system here:

Book Online

Of course, you can still contact me by phone or email if you have any queries or would like to book an appointment.

Help Contribute to a National Osteopathy Research Project

Take part in an osteopathy research project

I have just signed up to an exciting new national osteopathy research project to find out more about how patients respond to osteopathic treatment. The project is being run by the National Council for Osteopathic Research who will analyse anonymised questionnaire data from osteopathy patients throughout the UK. Findings will be shared throughout the profession to help improve osteopathic treatment. Continue reading

Merry Christmas & Opening Hours

Emma Lipson osteopath Christmas 2015First things first…

MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my wonderful patients! Wishing you and your families a restful and pain-free break.

Now the boring but important bit….

Christmas & New Year Opening Hours 2015

  • Thurs 24th Dec – Mon 28th Dec – CLOSED
  • Tues 29th Dec – OPEN 9am-8pm
  • Wed 30th DecMon 4th Jan – CLOSED
  • From Tues 5th Jan- OPEN for business as usual 9.30am-8pm

If you would like to book an appointment, please do get in touch and leave me a message either by email or phone. I will be checking my mail and messages sporadically over the Christmas break, so please bear with me if it takes a little longer than usual to get back to you.